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Supporting you

Student Services at 91影视are here to ensure you have a supportive and productive experience whilst studying. On this page, you can find a brief overview of the support available to 91影视students. 

Student Centre

The Student Centre is your first point of contact for a wide range of administrative enquiries and support services, here to help you through your student journey from registration to graduation. The Student Centre has three teams help you:

Student Centre Advisers

The Student Adviser team are multi-skilled and cross-trained with generic knowledge that crosses departmental boundaries. They handle in excess of 100,000 enquires a year ranging from lost ID cards to finance/funding enquires to name just two.

Immigration Team

The Immigration team provide assistance in specialist immigration advice to enrolled international, exchange and study abroad students, their dependants and graduates of the University.

Student Support and Welfare Team

The Student Support and Welfare Team are available to offer support and guidance on a range of personal, welfare and financial issues. They are here to help you access support that is right for you; you can make appointments through this team to access the Counselling and Mental Wellbeing Service and Disability and Dyslexia service.

To request an appointment, please use   where you will find the right categories to choose from to book an appointment

They also run Well@Brunel, the University’s wellbeing campaign -  so look out for competitions, initiatives and events throughout the year!


Student Wellbeing

The Student Wellbeing provides individual and group student support services to help 91影视student overcome certain challenges so that they can achieve their university goals. These services are accessed via the Student Support and Welfare Team based in the Student Centre.

Counselling and Mental Wellbeing

The APPTS accredited Counselling and Mental Wellbeing service can provide you with advice and support on both new and long term mental health difficulties to help you get the most out of your student life. The team can also offer short term 1-2-1 counselling which can help you work on immediate problems, developing healthy coping techniques, gaining understanding of underlying issues and, if necessary, developing a longer-term treatment plan.

Joining a peer support group or group sessions lead by one of our trained staff can help you to manage stress, whilst mindfulness or cognitive behaviour therapy can help build stronger coping skills and  help you manage relationships.

Disability and Dyslexia

Disability Services support inclusive learning and teaching, allowing you to study as independently as possible while at university.


Equality and Diversity

Brunel University London has a vibrant, rich and dynamic population of staff and students from all over the world. Equality and Diversity strongly underpins our core values outlined within our Strategic Plan.

What we do

91影视University London values inclusiveness and supports the development of a culture where all may live, study and work without encountering prejudice or discrimination. Together we can create a University community where diversity is recognised, valued and celebrated.

We proactively advance equality and inclusive practice throughout the campus environment and in the experiences we offer to our student community. We develop and implement policies and practices that challenge stereotypes across all aspects of our work. Such a culture and the consequent sustainable programme of change will benefit everyone at Brunel.

We provide support and guidance on a range of equality and diversity issues. If you feel you are being treated unfairly or discriminated against, being bullied or harassed, we can help you access support that is right for you.


The Public Sector Equality Duty requires universities and other public authorities to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010
  • advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it.

The protected characteristics referred to in the duty are; age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

At 91影视our Equality and Diversity Strategy supports our University’s vision and reflects its values, as expressed in our Strategic Plan. Our strategy goes beyond legal compliance as we aspire to achieve excellence in equality and diversity in all that we do.

Equality and opportunity

The University is committed to promoting equal opportunities and seeks to advance equality through:

  • ensuring our policies, practices, facilities and services reflect our commitment
  • creating a stimulating and supportive environment which is fair and encouraging
  • allowing all to reach their full potential
  • providing development opportunities and furthering social inclusion
  • dealing with any complaints fairly and promptly, and ensuring all members of our community understand their rights and responsibilities.

Our policies, procedures and guidance